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WEGO愛同行是「流動教會」, 旨在建立「動態基督徒」踐行信仰, 活出「福音大能」. 在這紛亂黑暗時代, 跟從基督, 光復幽暗心靈.

什麼是「流動教會」? 沒有傳統架構的「教會」, 以各種形式聚會, 把教會帶進人群. 專注個別牧養, 以小組模式互相建立成長, 勉勵同行.. (什麼是「教會」?)



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NAMB Send Network

ALPHARETTA, Ga. — A record-setting 216 church planters attended the first Send Network Orientation since Vance Pitman introduced new values for the North American Mission Board’s (NAMB) church planting arm in October.

The new missionaries speak 11 different languages; represent more than 30 U.S. states, three Canadian provinces, and Puerto Rico; and were sent by some 130 sending churches. They gathered Nov. 1-3 in Alpharetta...